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God Does Not Make Weak

This week on the Embrace Your Wings Podcast I talked about an epiphany I had while "running away". I'd hit a particularly low point on my road to divorce recovery and I packed a bag and drove seven hours to my parents home in St. George, Utah. But, much like my trip to Switzerland, God was going to use this time to help me stand back up and keep moving forward.

In this episode, God Does Not Make Weak, I said I would share some sites, articles, and books that have been instrumental in my healing. I've compiled the list below and I will keep adding to it.

If you haven't yet listened to the episode, you can do so here.


Alcoholics Anonymous AA isn't just for alcoholics, it can benefit anyone who is struggling with any form of addiction or even PTSD. Their 12 step program is inspired. Use it. Love it. Share it.

CAPSA is near and dear to my heart. It's a beautiful haven for those fighting the chains of all forms of abuse. If there isn't a CAPSA near you, don't stop looking. You'll find the help you need if you DON'T GIVE UP.


I love this article. It's not easy to admit when we're broken and it can be scary to try to find love again, but articles like this one give me hope that healing can come and real, true, love can be found--when the time is right. Healing From Emotional Abuse by Randi Gunther Ph.D.


Each of these has played, and/or continues to play, a vital role in my healing.

Anything and everything by Brene Brown

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