My Story
Welcome to Embrace Your Wings...
Several years ago I published my first book and began speaking to women's groups about the courage to follow their dreams. Then, just before the publication of my sixth book--a time when it seemed I was only a few steps away from a successful career as an author--my life took an unexpected turn. After 23 years of being a wife and stay-at-home mom, I was now a divorced, single-mom.
My confidence was shattered. My dreams seemed to be an impossibility. That courage I'd been speaking about, it no longer existed inside me. Or at least I thought it didn't...
It would be months before the light would bring my dreams to life again. But when I emerged from the darkness I was no longer the same person. I had metamorphosed into something entirely other...or I should say, who I believe I was meant to be all along. I was no longer a caterpillar, but this new life was going to be hard, and God has had to teach me how to, not just use, but embrace my new wings...
I share my journey with you here, in my business ventures, writing, art work, and my podcast, in the hope that the lessons I'm learning can help you to choose to love yourself as God made you--challenges and all--for that is when, and only when, we can truly embrace our wings...

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